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Your narrator, the Leader
The Leader attended his favorite popular culture collectibles show of the year in Pittsburg-Cranberry, Pennsylvania 4 - 7 August 2022 - the 50th anniversary of PulpFest. He enjoys admiring the wonderful art on the pulp magazine and paperback covers, the original art to some of those covers and the many related areas of popular culture that are so abundantly on display at PulpFest each year. The Leader also enjoys seeing his dealer friends Mark Hickman, Tom Martin, Craig Poole, Martin Grams, Brendan Faulkner, Ray Walsh and many others that he only sees once or twice a year. The Leader laments that he ran out of time before he could photograph his friends that comprise the circle: Bob Deis, Wyatt Doyle, Eric Blackburn, Jacqueline Pollen and Innes Weir. Fortunately at least Eric Blackburn did take one nice photo of Jacqueline and the Leader together. One other regret is that the Leader’s favorite comic book dealer Gene Carpenter did not attend PulpFest this year. Martin Grams informed the Leader that Gene had a conflicting show. When next he sees Gene Carpenter the Leader will demand from his favorite comic book dealer an explanation of how any other show could be important enough to warrant standing up his friends at PulpFest.

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Sunday 7 August 2022
Doug Ellis
Veteran pulp magazine and original art dealer Doug Ellis with some of his pulps and paintings. Doug promotes the Windy City Pulp & Paperback Show in the Chicago, IL area that I’m told is notably bigger than PulpFest. I’ve been wanting to go for several years so this year I asked Doug if he would give me a press pass as an inducement to make the long drive next year. He said he would so I plan on going to that show in April 2023.
Joe Saine
Joe Saine with some of his 1950s and 1960s sleaze paperbacks. It would be fun to collect these type of books but they are even more expensive than science fiction paperbacks which I prefer and I can’t afford to collect everything. I didn’t ask Joe the price of this example of his Humorama original art pages all of which were drawn by Bill Ward. Rick Santman was asking $100 for his non-Ward Humorama art so I’m sure Joe’s has to be more than that.
Henry Franke
I took one more photo of Mr. Franke with his nice Burroughs Bibliophiles sign. He had just signed up another member to this literary society and he told me he had pretty good luck during the show signing up new members.
Paul Spiteri & Mike Croteau
The Meteor House men were facing a narrow isle and I had to wait until the last day of the show when the crowd thinned out to take this photo of them. Meteor House is a publishing company that promotes the books of science fiction author Philip Jose Farmer. (I wish Clifford D. Simak or Arthur C. Clarke had a fan club like this). Paul flies in from Great Britain each year to meet with his partners Mike /Croteau and Win Scott Eckert for their annual FarmerCon meeting which ties in with PulpFest.
Tom Skemp
It’s getting late on the last day of PulpFest but there are still some people searching through what is left of Tom’s inventory. Notice the dealer in the top left of the photo. He had mostly interesting looking H.P. Lovecraft material and I wanted to take his picture but I ran out of time. That is my recurring problem with PulpFest; there is so much great stuff there that I just can’t photograph it all.
Farewell To PulpFest
It’s about noon and the dealer’s room officially closes at 2 p.m. but most of the dealer’s have already broken down and left. Well before 2 p.m. this room will be completely empty but we’ll all be back for PulpFest in 2023!
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Click here for Page 2 of the Leader's Report on the Pulpfest 50 2022
Click here for Page 3 of the Leader's Report on the Pulpfest 50 2022
Click here for the Main Introduction Page to see the Leader's Report on the Tidewater Comicon 2022