Lowry AFB Denver, Colorado, Summer & Fall of 1977

When I finished Basic Training in Texas the Air Force flew me to Denver, Colorado where I was stationed at Lowry AFB for Imagery Interpretation technical school. Below is the only photo taken of me for those four months at Lowry AFB.

Imagery Interpretation Class Graduation
That's me on the back row as usual, at far left. The guy on my left was my roommate Randy Ferryman from Ohio. We were good friends even though he did grate on my nerves just a little with his always bragging about how great Ohio's college football teams were. The guy at far right on the back row is Airman Basic Fass. Can't remember his first name. We had a friendly rivalry going over who could get the best test scores in our classwork. Fass did me a really big favor. I had saved up about $800 in cash during my four months at Lowry. The day I was preparing to depart after graduation to go on leave, the money fell out of my pocket somewhere in the dorm rooms. I couldn't find it. When I was sitting in the cab getting ready to head to the airport Airman Fass came running out of the building and up to the cab. He had found the $800 and was honest enough to return it to me. Not many people would do that.

I had a really good time at Lowry. I still have pleasant memories of watching the old George Reeves TV show The Adventures Of Superman in my dorm room after classes on some days. There was also a big science fiction movie that had just come out that the guys in class were talking about. So some of us went to the theater to check it out. There was a long line of people stretched around the theater. What the heck was going on here I wondered? I didn't know then that cinematic history was being made that summer all over the country with the release of Star Wars. And of course, the search for old comic books never stops so I took the bus to downtown Denver on many weekends to inspect the comic book stores.