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Martin Goodman's Atlas News Company distributed his magazines and comic books in the 1950s prior to the Atlas Implosion of 1957 when Atlas was discontinued. The Bachelor January 1957 magazine shown below at left was a typical "girlie" magazine published by Goodman and carries the Atlas Globe logo on the cover as usual. After the Atlas Implosion, Goodman had to make a deal with his chief comic book company rival, DC Comics, to use its distribution company to get his comic books to the newsstands. The name of this company was the Independent News Service or IND. Playboy and Mad magazines were among other magazines distributed by IND. I did not notice myself however until researching this article, in 2013, that IND also distributed at least of some of Goodman's magazines in addition to all his comic books after the Atlas Implosion. Notice the IND logo on the Bachelor November 1958 magazine at right below.
January 1957
November 1958