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Lewis Forro Wants To Buy Your Vintage Magazines, Paperback Books , Pinup Photos and Movie Photos

Click on an image below for more details on the magazines and paperbacks I want to buy.
Movie Magazines Adult Magazines Monster Magazines Paperback Books Pinup Photos Movie Photos Science Fiction Pulps

Please email me at lewisforro@protonmail.com
or call me at
757 797 0029

Lewis Forro
Virginia Beach, Virginia
If you don't have a list or a way to take photos just call me and and we can talk about what you have for sale. You can also email me your phone number and I will call you. If you have a list or a way to take photos see below.

If you have a list of magazines or paperbacks for sale please email it to me in the body of the email message or attach it as a PDF file only. I can make a better offer if I first see photos to judge condition. If you have a digital camera or scanner please take photos of a few separate magazines showing the entire cover. Save them as jpeg files and send them as attachments to an email. Thanks and I hope to hear from you soon.