adult magazine title logos

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I Buy Adult Magazines

Adam V.4#7, 1960

Unlike many adult magazines that started in the mid 1950s, Adam didn’t copy Playboy. It followed it own style of catering to a “blue collar” audience instead of a “white collar” audience like Playboy.
There were plenty of girlie pictorials with many of the famous models of the time featured. The covers on the early issues had colored vertical lines to make the magazine stand out from its numerous competitors on the newsstand. The cover model on this issue is Marli Renfro. Marli was Janet Leigh’s stand-in for the shower scene in the Alfred Hitchcock movie PsychoAdam was one of the longer lasting girlie magazines that lasted up until the early 1980s. The magazine’s publisher also had a line of pinup calendars, paperback books, a nudie film magazine Adam Film World and a companion girlie magazine, Sir Knight.

Rogue April 1956

Rogue was one of many adult magazines that started in the mid 1950s to cash in on the popularity of Playboy and it was one of the better Playboy imitators. Instead of a sexy rabbit as a mascot Rogue had a libidinous wolf as shown this painted cover. In the early 1960s Rogue was home to a colony of science fiction writers such as Robert Bloch and Alfred Bester who both had regular columns. Other science fiction writers like George Clayton Johnson, Damon Knight, Harlan Ellison, Ray Bradbury and Mack Reynolds had occasional stories or articles published. (I suspect many of those stories or articles had Hugh Hefner’s fingerprints on them.)

Modern Man January 1958

Modern Man was one of the leading adult magazines of the 1950s and 1960s. It was the best of the adult magazines that were not Playboy imitators. Modern Man started two years before Playboy and never tried to imitate that magazine’s high faultin style.  Modern Man appealed to a “blue collar” audience with  articles about guns, cars and other masculine topics that working class men were thought to be interested in. Modern Man had lots of girlie pictorials with some of the top models and actresses of the day like Jayne Mansfield, Sophia Loren, Tina Louise, and Gina Lollobrigida. The cover model here is Jayne Mansfield who appeared on the cover of Modern Man four times.

Tip Top V.3#1, 1963

Tip Top was the best of the “heel and hose” leg fetish magazines. One of its editors was Elmer Batters who was the most famous photographer  for those type of fetish magazines. Tip Top was one of many similar magazines published in California by the American Art Agency that used a “PN” logo on their covers which stood for a brand name called Parliament. The Parliament magazines similar to Adam and Modern Man were not Playboy imitators. The model on the cover shown here is Terry Higgins. She appeared in dozens of girlie magazine pictorials in the 1960s.

Gaze June 1956

Gaze was one of many digest size magazines such as Comedy, Joker, Gee-Whiz, Zip, Stare and others that were published under the brand name “Humorama.” The Humorama magazines didn’t have much fiction or articles but focused on full page girlie gag cartoons by famous cartoonists Bill Ward, Bill Wenzel, Dan DeCarlo and many others. There were also lots of full page photos of the pinup models of the 1950s and 1960s.  One of the most famous pinup models in history, Bettie Page, is on this cover of Gaze. The Humorama magazines were part of the huge magazine empire owned by Martin Goodman. His brother Abe Goodman ran the Humorama line. Martin Goodman was best known as the publisher of Marvel comic books.,

Modern Man adult magazine from the 1950s and 1960s

Modern Man was the Cadillac of pre 1970 adult magazines that went their own way and didn’t copy Playboy. Here’s a selection of high grade copies of 1950s and 1960s issues from the Shorline, WA collection.

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Tony Albert
Tony Albert
1 year ago

I will check my inventory.