20,000,000 Miles To Earth

Ray Harryhausen's Ymir monsterI didn’t usually buy Forrest J. Ackerman’s magazine Famous Monsters of Filmland as a kid in the 1960s since the distribution of that magazine was spotty in my hometown of Savannah, Ga. None of my usual comic book buying stores in bicycle range carried it. The first issue I bought, #30 with the Bela Lugosi Dracula cover, incurred the wrath of my 5th grade school teacher who confiscated it from me since it was creating a disturbance in class. She didn’t give it back after school which she should have done, which was pretty traumatic. But later I was glad to buy my second issue #37 from 1966 with a dynamic cover from the 1957 movie 20 Million Miles To Earth.  I figured any cover which featured a giant green monster terrorizing a city with a babe in one paw and crushing a lamp post with the other was easily worth a quarter.  That magazine was probably my introduction to the great stop-motion animator Ray Harryhausen, most of whose movies I now have on Blu-Ray DVD. When the lobby card shown above recently turned up in Bruce Hershenson’s emovie.com online auction I was glad to snag it for under $50.00. I was prepared to bid up $100.00 if needed.