The Sci-Fi Guy Strikes Again Part IV

Lewis Forro the Sci-Fi Guy is always looking to buy collections of science fiction paperbacks, hardcover books and digest magazines. In 2016 he uncovered a large collection of science fiction books in Richmond, VA. Now in 2020, by happy circumstance he has bought another similar collection. The owner of the collection was Miki Annamananthadoo who also collects original science fiction paintings and has the walls of his home in Richmond adorned with them. Miki wanted to thin out some of his book collection so he asked a mutual friend comic book dealer Guy Rose who sets up at the Virginia Comic Con in Richmond for a buyer. Guy knew that I would be interested so he gave Miki my email address. I made two trips to Miki’s home, the first in late 2020 and the second in early 2021. I was able to buy a good deal of Miki’s collection but he wasn’t ready to sell everything. I still see Miki at the Virginia Comic Con sometimes where he brings me a free stack of science fiction and comic book original art catalogs that he receives from the auction houses that he uses to bid for more original paintings.

Lewis with Miki at Virginia Comic Con 2022
        Lewis Forro and Miki
Annamananthadoo at the Virginia Comic Con in Richmond 20 August 2022.

In addition to the type of hardcover and large softcover books you see in the photo above I also bought a few hundred science fiction paperbacks. Only a few of them are in seen in the photo. I spent a few hours late into the evening going through Miki’s boxes of the paperbacks to pull out only the high grade ones with no reading creases. Miki charged me only .75 each for the paperbacks which is what he said he would get for them if he donated them as a tax deduction. 

The most expensive book I bought was the softcover Woodwork you see in the foreground of the photo. This is a well produced book on the career of famous comic book artist Wally Wood. I paid $50 for it which is a bit steep but I think it is still worth a little more than that. All the books I got from Miki were at a more reasonable price thankfully.

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